Afrah Al-Otaibi Sara Al-Ansari Elmehdi Lahmamed


This study question the perceptions of the Qataris elite on their country hosting the 2022 World Cup. We begin by identifying the main distinct social features as seen by the elite. Then, we examine the most suitable image in their view to promote while organizing this mega event. Last, we discuss how they see best approaching the social challenges of managing this mega event, particularly in the presence of people from various global cultures. Data were qualitatively collected using a non-random sample through in-depth interviews and a focus group conducted with Qatari intellectuals, academic experts, and young graduates from higher education. The qualitative examination of Qatari perceptions on their country hosting the 2022 World through in-depth qualitative technique lacks the literature. In contrast to the assumption that Qatar, being a heavily ruled society by religion, family, and state traditions, will attempt to showcase an ideal picture to the prospective visitors for the World Cup 2022, the result reveals less interest in creating a misrepresenting image to satisfy a world-visitors attending a temporary sportive event. On the other hand, some necessitate restraining the actual consumerism practices among the population to better cope with criticism arising from the prevailed rentier pattern. Findings show, however, great confidence in the social institution and national competencies to lead and promote a best-negotiated country branding during the event's organization.


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Normative Image
Social Determinants
World Cup
Intellectual Elite

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How to Cite
Al-Otaibi, Afrah, Sara Al-Ansari, and Elmehdi Lahmamed. 2021. “Social Determinant in Shaping the Country Image: The Case of 2022 World Cup in the State of Qatar”. Tajseer Journal 3 (2).
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