Omar Hidoussi


The purpose of this study is to understand the methodology of Quranic terminological
studies and explain its interpretative significance. It also analyzes the
new knowledge of Quranic research and its historical efforts, from being an analytical
to an objective study, while opening new horizons that stem from dealing
with the words of the Holy Quran, not only as Arabic words, but also as concepts
and terms with a contextual significance.
This study is based on the historical experiences of three interpretative schools
in the Islamic world: the Indian School and its Imam, Abdul Hamid Al-Farahi; the
Shami School and its Dean, Ahmed Hassan Farhat; and the Maghrebian School
and its pioneer, Shahid Al-Busheikhi. The latter proposes five pillars of the terminological
study: the statistical study, the lexical study, the textual study, and the
conceptual study, as well as the terminological presentation and its definitions,
characteristics, relations, coordination, derivatives, and issues. From this point
of view, this study attempts to follow the most important cognitive foundations of
research in Quranic terminology, which revolves around a tripartite conceptual
reference: the Quranic source, the rationality of the methodology, and the realism
in practice.
The Quranic source represents the objective directed by the conceptual research
and its textual field. The methodological rationalism evokes two basic
dimensions: the methodology of the Quranic research and the methodology of
the conceptual lesson in Arabic and Western literature.
For the applied realism, it expresses the extent to which reality and its issues
are present in the conceptual research, which gives it functionality, feasibility,
and practical effectiveness. These foundations will resolve the methodological
issues of terminological research, which intersects with the general understanding
of humanities and Islamic studies. In addition, it deals with problems related
to the aspect of the terminological research itself, as a Quranic and theological

lesson on the one hand and as a terminology lesson on the other hand. The pivotal
problematic of the terminology study accrues to its Quranic source, its methodological
rationalism, or its realism. Therefore, it is related to the text, the methodology, or the reality.
As many obstacles and restraints as these problems are, they are also the signs of
growth that stimulate the terminological studies to prove their efficiency, effectiveness,
and eligibility to carry the textual integrity and the methodological performance, as well
as to solve the problems of the contemporary reality.


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Quranic terms
Terminological research
Quranic study
Terminological study

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How to Cite
Hidoussi, Omar. (2019) 2021. “Terminological Research in Quranic Studies: Scientific Pillars and Methodological Problems”. Tajseer Journal 1 (1):72-98.
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