Alanod Sameer AL-Etaibi AbdelSalam Elsayed Hamed


This research delves into the underexplored realm of statistical stylistic analysis within the linguistic study of the Quranic chapters, focusing on the stylistic divergence between Medinan and Meccan revelations. It embarks on a comparative exploration of the principal stylistic elements, both syntactic and semantic, in Surah An-Nur and Surah Al-Furqan, employing the statistical stylistic methodology. This approach underscores comparison as a pivotal concept in stylistic examination, necessitating the use of specific statistical techniques for a nuanced stylistic delineation and analysis of texts. The study leverages prevalent statistical methods such as the quantification of stylistic variable density, the comparative ratio of stylistic elements, and lexical diversity indices. These metrics are instrumental in elucidating the stylistic congruencies and disparities between the two suras.

Structured into two primary segments, the study first addresses a syntactic stylistic comparison, followed by a semantic stylistic analysis. Key findings in the syntactic statistical comparison reveal a heightened density of rhetorical shifts, the usage of /Lawlaa/ (Were it not for), and a higher frequency of verbal sentences in Surah An-Nur. Conversely, Surah Al-Furqan exhibits an increased presence of accusative constructs, predominantly objects. In the semantic statistical comparison, the study highlights the efficacy of lexical density metrics, such as the augmented density of divine nomenclature, including the word "Allah" and the Beautiful Names of Allah, alongside faith-related lexicon in Surah An-Nur. In contrast, Surah Al-Furqan is characterized by a higher density of terms associated with divine sovereignty, the Beautiful Names of Allah, and speech-related vocabulary.


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Statistical stylistics
Surat Al-Nour
Surat Al-Furqan
stylistic variable
density measurement
vocabulary diversity

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How to Cite
AL-Etaibi, Alanod Sameer, and AbdelSalam Elsayed Hamed. 2024. “Stylistic Statistical Comparison Between Surat Al-Nūr and Al-Furqān”. ANSAQ Journal 7 (2).