The Fantasy of History in the novel "Water of Roses" by the Qatari author Noura Farag
This research seeks to study the employment of fantasy and historical references in the structure of the narrative in the novel by the Qatari writer Noura Faraj "Rose Water" from many aspects: the narrative discourse, the employment of fantasy and historical reference, the nature of imaginary vision, and the approach to historical and imaginary characters.
The research was built on an attempt to reveal the artistic value and the intellectual vision, which the novel represented in many respects of recalling the historical references that related to the 4th-century Hijri (AH). This is in the light of the interpretive approach.
The research showed that this novel reflects a problem in its relationship to historical references and fantasy, and is characterized by its condemnation of some historical events, the reversal of the truth, and the illusion of others. This is mainly because it was able to generate a sense of the historical event beyond the ability of the narrative discourse to give the text its literary value. The research also demonstrates that the idea of the novel and the vision of its author is to raise the level of the presence of the imagined character against the historical character, and the victory of the imaginary over the historical. Due to the paucity of researches dealing with the use of fantasy in the narrative, we hope that this type of research will find greater interest in the future as it is an important experimental technique in the creator's reading of reality.
Illusion of HistoryHistorical NovelQatari NovelNovelistic NarrationFantasy
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