Muhammed Muvaffak Alhasan


Partial false cognates constitute a part of the phenomenon of false cognates which represent a difficulty in interlinguistic studies. Although this issue has been extensively studied in foreign languages; However, it is still scarce with regard to the Arabic language, and this is what prompted us to choose investigating this phenomenon between Arabic and Turkish due to the large number of Arabic loanwords in the Turkish.

The research has identified the partial false friends in Arabic and Turkish languages, and tried to determine the semantic changes that common words have undergone in the Turkish language.

The research reached the following results:

  1. There are a good number of partial false cognates in Arabic and Turkish.

  2. These common words retained in Turkish at least one of their original meanings used in Arabic by developing a different additional meaning.

  3. These words, in their development of new meanings, followed many paths of semantic changes, such as generalization of meaning, specification of meaning, or semantic transfer.

This research is expected to fill a gap in the field of interlinguistic studies, and in the field of contrastive analysis of the Arabic and Turkish languages, and to contribute to facilitating the task of teaching Arabic to the Turks, and teaching Turkish to the Arabs. This research will form a starting point and a basis for other research that expands the scope of research in the contrastive analysis of Arabic and Turkish languages at all language levels.


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False cognates
Partial false friends
Semantic changes
Contrastive analysis

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How to Cite
Alhasan, Muhammed Muvaffak. 2023. “Partial False Cognates Between Arabic and Turkish Languages”. ANSAQ Journal 6 (2).