Mohamed Fathi Alkersh


This study is based on the question: Is the veil of ignorance according to John Rawls considered an anti-individualistic inclination? To get closer to the answer, the importance of the individualistic problem as a central matter in political philosophy was explained, together with its effects on the value of justice, and the extent of its importance in light of economic stratification and the increasing racism and aggression against minorities in contemporary societies, and all that represents the other and his rights.

Adopting an analytical method, Rawls' statements on the original position, conceptual pattern, principles of justice, the veil of ignorance and the relation of all of this to his attitude towards individualism were deconstructed.

The study concluded that Rawls worked to avoid the defects of liberalism in its capitalist form which often suffers extravagance in the name of free-handed individuality ownership, this is with great care not to fall into the furnace of a Marxist totalitarian formula.

Hence, the veil of ignorance was indeed an attempt to neutralize the causes of egoism -so to speak- and accordingly, the criticism faced by Rawls was exposed, especially capitalist and disapproval criticism by Fukuyama and collective criticism by Michael Sandel. What may be called social rationality and the possibility of achieving social stability was explained.


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Original Position
Veil of Ignorance
Ownership Individuality
Social Stability

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How to Cite
Alkersh, Mohamed Fathi. 2021. “Rawls’ Attitude towards Individualism: An Analytical Study”. ANSAQ Journal 4 (1-2).