Ahmed Elsagheer


This research is focused on the rhetoric of paradox in the epigrams of the poet Ezz El-Dein El-Manasrah. This is preceded by a theoretical introduction about El-Manasrah’s poetic life and production from the 1960s to the present as well as his poetic status in the Arab world, his relationship with signatures/epigrams and the concept of epigram in different forms of literature (Greek, European, and Arabic).

The research demonstrates aspects of paradox (Dramatic, illustrative, situational...) through formulating an artistic approach to the reading of Ezz El-Dein El-Manasrah’s epigrams. The research concludes that the epigrammatic poem is a type of Arab Poetry, which has its traits, criteria and poetic structure blended with the poet’s visions. The Arab critics have used many terms to classify this type of poetry (Glance poem – Short poem – Signature poem – Epigram poem).


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The production of poetic advocacy
, the concept of epigrama originated by the concept of paradox
the types of paradox (dramatic, figurative, paradoxical position itself)

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How to Cite
Elsagheer , Ahmed. 2019. “Rhetoric of Paradox in the Signatures/Epigrams of the Poet Ezz El-Dein El-Manasrah”. ANSAQ Journal 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/Ansaq.2019.0087.