Abdallah Laachi


Readings have become many and varied around the literary text after it has turned to be an independent entity. Those readings have produced countless discourses that have never stopped at the borders of the message or the book. They surpassed that to different forms of discourse counted in tens. All these discourses endeavor to practice their own readings around the text. Therefore, new forms of discourse have emerged to be seen as new forms of creativity rather than ordinary critical activities; such as: almuqamat, journeys, biographies, novels, poems, prose and similar creative forms. Such forms have introduced an exceptional task for themselves to be used as a means of criticism in which the creative dimension has surpassed the critical one; and the aesthetic aspect is accompanied with the scientific one; whereas the eloquent dimension is combined with the descriptive one. Consequently, a new discourse in which the critical text has turned into a rhetorical text has been formed according to those specifications. Thus, we saw that it is convenient enough to say «Rhetoric of Literary Criticism» and accept it as a title. This modest research is going to tackle those texts. It will refer to some of them in a brief way whenever they have a critical content, such as: poems, novels, journeys and biographies. Nevertheless, we will deeply analyze and attentively elaborate on only one critical text which is « Resalet Ibn Sharaf Al Qirawani» which is known as «The Message of Criticism» or « Critical Issues». We will do this according to the theories of discourse analysis and criticism of criticism, aiming at revealing a traditional critical discourse that has been ignored by modern studies.


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Critical Texts
Descriptive Discourse
Rhetoric of Literary Criticism
Discourse Analysis
Ibn Sharaf Al Qairawan

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How to Cite
Laachi, Abdallah. 2017. “Rhetoric of Literary Criticism : The Formation of the Literary Text Away from Its Discourse”. ANSAQ Journal 1 (0.1). https://doi.org/10.29117/Ansaq.2017.0007.