Feminization of Sports in Proximity Stadiums in Morocco: An Intersectional Approach
Practice is a process of social integration. A bet that poses a set of constraints, to the categories of « gender » and «disability», that are little understood and that will be clarified by researching the issue of accessibility to nearby stadiums, and examining the hypothesis supporting the symmetry of the processes of exclusion towards the two categories ; thus the analysis must relate to the context of social elaboration of the object of study, the way in which research and reflection become intersectional, the constitution of a synthesis from the themes resulting from an interdisciplinarity between « gender studies » and « disability studies » and the investigation of women’s experiences in interaction with the issue of sport/integration. The results endorsed the symmetrie of exclusion from one category to another, although the visibility is variable.
HandicapGenderSocial Integrationnearby stadiumsIntersectionality
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