Place, Time, and the Other in ‘Life Writings
Arabic literature has a wealth of 'life writings,' both autobiographical and biographical, but this does not correspond to a comparable and essential wealth at the theoretical level. Being occupied with/by the theoretical discussions of West European and North American perspectives, notably those concerning literary genres, the question of the self that began with its centralization and ended with its destabilization, and the contemporary globalization of the term life writing, not much organic theoretical attention was given to this diverse corpus of Arabic literary practice. In this paper, I examine key theoretical issues of this interdisciplinary field in Humanities and how they are amplified by Arab and particularly Palestinian auto\biographies. By activating “sira” philosophically and methodically with its spatial, temporal, subjective, intersubjective, and objective aspects, and “tarjma” through its interpretative, historical, and linguistic implications, the paper engages with two main practices and concepts, al-sīrah and al-tarjamah, in its task to tackle these theoretical issues. This paper, as well, analyzes the question of the other in autobiographies through the prism of these two concepts and the challenges they pose for the distinctions among the private, the public, the individual and the collective, with the aim of contributing new insights to the theoretical debates of the study of auto\biographies.
AutobiographyTarājim; Sīrah WritingsPalestinian Auto/biographiesPlace Studies
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