Qurʾānic Studies and Natural Sciences: A Methodological Interdisciplinary Approach and its Intellectual Gains
The interdisciplinary relationship between Qurʾānic studies and natural sciences has a long history, but it has always been challenging due to the significant differences in epistemology, language, and methodology. These fundamental differences make interdisciplinary research between these two paradigms complicated. A methodological approach to the most important types of relations between these two paradigms can make this complex path smoother and reduce the epistemological errors of research. In this study, we will first explore the concept of methodological interdisciplinarity by examining the theoretical literature produced by experts in interdisciplinary studies. Next, using a descriptive-analytical method, we will examine the most significant interdisciplinary research in the field of Qurʾānic studies and natural sciences. By categorizing and ranking these studies, we will identify and introduce three intellectual achievements–methodological interdisciplinarity aims to improve the quality of results by borrowing methods or concepts from other disciplines to test hypotheses, answer research questions, or develop theories. Based on the degrees of integration and the relation between Qurʾānic studies and natural sciences, the following three main achievements can be listed: First, developing theological insights for the Qurʾān. Secondly, generating exegetical insights for Qurʾānic commentators. Thirdly, generating new perspectives in natural sciences. In this way, the main achievement of interdisciplinary integration belongs to Qurʾānic studies in the first two types, while the third type generates new perspectives in natural sciences.
Qurʾānic StudiesNatural SciencesInterdisciplinarityIntegrationAchievements
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