Abd Al Rahman Mohammed Teama


This research aims to present a contemporary cognitive paradigm, including a set of theoretical, applied determinants, and methodological guidelines, emanating from the overlap between some branches of contemporary sciences, through which we can understand the issue of Consciousness in a scientific way. The central question of the study: What is the concept of consciousness? We proceed from it to address this question at the level of neurosciences, and then through theoretical physics, especially the thesis (consciousness and quantum physics).

The study adopted the neurocognitive approach and physical analysis as a method to explain some of the selected phenomena to understand the (dilemma of consciousness), by describing the problem, then providing a general description of it, then presenting the most related important results in the approved studies. The study concluded with some basic findings, On top of which is access to a general analysis of the phenomenon of (qualia), the predictive mind, the relationship between knowledge and sensory perception, the physical aspect of consciousness, and does consciousness really have a physical (concrete) aspect? And what can we understand from the phenomenon of mental representation, especially with the mathematical physical treatment of all of that? Among the most important recommendations of these theses is that the treatment should be experimental in most aspects, because the philosophy of mental phenomena cannot fulfill real results without laboratory testing, especially from both sides: neurological and physical. This is what we had tried to do through all the items of this study.


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How to Cite
Teama, Abd Al Rahman Mohammed. 2023. “Neurocognitive Approach of Consciousness: An Interdisciplinary Study of Mental Structure of Thought through Contemporary Psychology and Theoretical Physics”. Tajseer Journal 5 (2):129-50. https://doi.org/10.29117/tis.2023.0142.
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