Ghassab Mansoor Ali Al Saqr


This research aims to study the metaphor, and to show how it moved from the single word to the sentence, until it reached the discourse, and transcended the syntactical and semantic vision to the pragmatic. The research problem is represented in a main question, which is: How did the metaphor move from the syntactic and semantic vision to the pragmatic vision? We have reached at the end of it that metaphor exceeded syntactical and semantic vision into a pragmatic vision and moved from reliance on single words to the sentence and discourse. Thus, it became a linguistic activity which requires the presence of the speaker listener and context in the process of communication. In addition, it became a part of the pictorial structure of human and a means of knowledge and cognition. Metaphor allows an understanding and an experience of something out of something else since the abstract words may not be clearly connected to the facts in context, or it may be understood on this image incompletely. However, the metaphor makes it sensible and aware making it easier to understand and know its semantics, so it becomes more vital and influential when receiving.


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How to Cite
Al Saqr, Ghassab Mansoor Ali. 2023. “The Metaphor: From Word to Discourse”. Tajseer Journal 5 (2):105-28.
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