Assessing the Qatari Food Security Situation During The 2017 Crisis: Potentials, Achievements, and Challenges
This paper aims to examine the significant repercussions of the 2017 blockade crisis on Qatar's food security. The crisis led to Qatar's isolation due to the closure of its only land border with Saudi Arabia and the airspace by the countries directly involved in the crisis (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt). These events exacerbated the challenges that Qatar faced in maintaining internal and market stability, as well as securing the essential needs of its population. However, Qatar managed to overcome this bottleneck phase, successfully maintaining market stability and securing food supplies for around 2.5 million citizens and residents. This achievement was not merely a temporary strategy to address the crisis; rather, it persisted beyond the crisis, with Qatar even exporting some food products after achieving self-sufficiency. Given this context, this paper addresses several research questions, such as: How did Qatar achieve this food security accomplishment? What is the future of food security in Qatar?
The paper adopts a scientific descriptive-analytical approach based on the extrapolation and analysis of the measures taken by the state to overcome the crisis (potentials), leading to the advanced stage of food security in Qatar (achievements), which represent the findings of the study. These findings can be summarized as Qatar's successful attainment of an advanced stage of food security, benefiting from its internal potentials. The research gains authenticity and value by analyzing the strategy Qatar adopted, focusing on investing in its internal self-sufficiency to overcome the challenges of the blockade in the realm of food security and leveraging these potentials as a bridge for cooperation with external international parties.
Food securitySelf-SufficiencyGulf crisisBlockadeInternational Relations
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