Omar Al-Youssef


The subject of technology transfer contracts is often approached predominantly from the perspective of the technology-importing country, with a heavy reliance on political propaganda to foster the desired economic development. However, this approach may hinder the contract's ability to achieve its intended objectives, namely attaining a technological level on par with that of the technology supplier, without disregarding the potentially exorbitant costs that future generations may bear. This study aims to provide a comprehensive and realistic understanding of technology suppliers' viewpoint within the contractual context, while elucidating the political, economic, and legal reasons contributing to the failure of numerous technology transfer contracts., which would give a more comprehensive and realistic vision, perhaps contributing to their success in the future.

By employing a traditional comparative methodology, the research analyzes and examines selected technology transfer contracts that have been implemented, or were intended to be implemented, in Syria and Egypt since the mid-20th century. The findings underscore the detrimental consequences of utilizing contracts for political propaganda, leading to the failure of technology transfer and impeding economic development. Furthermore, the research highlights the necessity of incorporating mutual interests in the contract, wherein both parties achieve reciprocal benefits, whether in terms of moral fulfillment for the supplier or as a means of promoting economic progress for the importer.


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Technology transfer contract
Economic development
International commercial arbitration
Direct investment

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How to Cite
Al-Youssef, Omar. 2023. “Technology Transfer Contracts As a Tool for Political Promotion”. Tajseer Journal 5 (1).
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