Elhabib Stati Zineddine


This study aims, on the one hand, to reveal the implications of the concept of environmental movements and their developments, and to determine the effectiveness of their work and their ability to bring about the desired cultural change in some Arab countries (the case of Tunisia, Lebanon and Morocco). On the other hand, methodologically, this study seeks - based on the literature of the new social movements - to determine the meaning of these new social movements and explore what they carry out in practice to help us come up with an answer to whether these civil movements seeking to preserve the environment from the existing and expected dangers in these countries are as deeply-rooted, ingrained, and influential social movements as their counterpart are in many developed countries. The study assumes the possibility of being so for these movements is affected by the circumstances in which they emerged, under which they were given born either naturally or artificially. With conscious consideration of the different environmental problems as well as demographic and social specificities within each country despite the presence of some common denominators, the study concluded, based on some bibliographic and ethnographic data, that it is difficult to ignore the precursors of what could be called Arab social-environment movements that aspire, according to their political and cultural environment and the constraints of the balance of power and influence within them, to influence this environment that seems to be still undisturbed - regardless of the abundance that surrounds it on every side - of the narrative of scarcity and the normalization with the discourse of constraints, in a way that keeps the impact of the efforts being made limited, and keeps the race on one side continuous and pressing.


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environmental movements
Ecological justice
The Arab region

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How to Cite
Zineddine, Elhabib Stati. 2022. “The Environmental Movements and the Ecological Justice Challenges in the Arab Region: The Case of Lebanon, Tunisia, and Morocco”. Tajseer Journal 4 (2). https://doi.org/10.29117/tis.2022.0102.
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