Noora Al-Hajri Abdulrahman Salem Al-Marri


This article aims at investigating the importance of the institutional role in forming the cultural image for Qatar while organizing the FIFA World Cup 2022. In doing so, the article focusses on the Qatari national’s point of view towards the role played by the Ministry of Culture and Sports and how they invested in sports as a new soft power. This is another type of power Qatar pursued to enhance its international status. The research uses qualitative tools such as interviews and focuses groups and questions How the Qatari intellectuals? How can this approach best serve the event? What is the intellectual’s opinion about the events organized by the ministry of culture? How can it form a cultural image for the state and society? What is the intellectual’s point of view about the youth's role in the events organized by the culture and sports ministry? Moreover, how can they be a part of the cultural branding in the FIFA World Cup 2022 finals? We emphasize three aspects: The Qatari personalities, cultural activities, and human resources. The results reveal disapproval of the ministry involvement in influencing the Qatari personality among many intellectuals. Cultural a positive impact of the activities and events among visitors that help in an ever-active country branding. Moreover, the research underlines the need to enable the citizen’s role, especially among youth, to better organize the upcoming mega sportive event as they represent an asset in forming the aimed positive cultural image.


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World Cup 2022
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Image of the Country
Soft Power

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How to Cite
Al-Hajri, Noora, and Abdulrahman Salem Al-Marri. 2021. “The Qatari Culture and Sports Ministry Role in Forming the Country’s Image During the World Cup Organization”. Tajseer Journal 3 (2).
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