The Contemporary Significance of Ibn Khaldun for Decolonial Sociology: Methodological and Theoretical Dimensions
This paper discusses the significance of Ibn Khaldun for the social sciences with
reference to a number of methodological and theoretical dimensions. The discussion
revolves around what I refer to as the levels of scholarship on Ibn Khaldun, which range
from the meta-theoretical to the empirical and applied. It is claimed that in order for Ibn
Khaldun to be taken seriously by the major disciplines in the social sciences, more work
of a meta-theoretical and theoretical nature on his writings needs to be done. It is further
argued that when considered in terms of all the levels of scholarship, Ibn Khaldun’s work
should be viewed as an exemplar for a modern social science that is rooted in Islamic
tradition. The paper makes the case for Khaldunian sociology as an aborted tradition in
the modern social sciences, introduces the levels of scholarship, and discusses the levels
at which Khaldunian scholarship is more and less prominent. The paper also raises a
methodological and theoretical issue in relation to Ibn Khaldun’s work.
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