Analyzing the Social Discourse: An Overview of Concepts and Terminologies
This study examines through a critical and analytical method the required theoretical and
methodological foundations and procedural tools for a scientific elaboration of concepts
and terms. It also deals with the crisis of concepts and terminologies in the Arabic social
discourses resulting from the lack of understanding the origin of concepts. Furthermore,
the study analyzes the ways of translating terminologies into concepts stemming from
the Arabic language on the one hand, and mostly due to the lack of a real understanding
of terminology in its cognitive and conceptual origins on the other hand. The study
proceeds from critically analyzing the terminology data in the fields of knowledge and
interacts with concepts and terminology-related issues. It shows that the effectiveness
of concepts in social sciences is based on a fundamental criterion, which is the extent of
scientific effectiveness, comprehensiveness and accuracy of terminology, as it becomes
greatly used in the various fields of discourse and a key for expanding sciences.
Social discourseDiscourse analysisTermsConcepts
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