The Logical Construction of Concept and the Ambiguity in Term Formation
This research deals with the logical formulation of concepts and terminology as judgments.
Governance is a mental decision that proves the mind’s belief and turns it into
reality. In our development of the term we control the principles of reason without which
concepts are confused, and through the principle of identity it is determined that the
concept maintains its meaning and significance throughout the proving process. The
principle of non-contradiction makes it impossible to carry the attribute and not to carry
it on one particular subject at the same time.
The concept is all the attributes and characteristics in which many beings share, and the
truth is the sum of individuals who believe in the characteristics of the concept. In the
expression of perception, it becomes a definition. To avoid ambiguity, we should bear
in mind that the definition (term) is an expression of the concept – it may be holistic by
referring to a number of individuals, or it may be partially referring to a particular person.
This research examines the definition as an explanatory word that takes into consideration
the important rules of logic such as substance, close category, and qualitative
separation. It focuses on two models in order to discover the ambiguity in terms and
concepts formation. The first is based on Ibn Salah, the innovator of syllogism, and the
second is based on the assumptions of Muhammad al-Moghili, in order to identify methodological,
political and ideological limitations included in concepts and terms.
Logical constructionConceptsTermsTerm formationAmbiguity
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