The Chromatic Awareness of Black and White in Andalusian and Omani Poetry: Ibn Khafaja and Sulaiman al-Nabhani as a Model
This study delves into the nuanced perception of black and white colors within the realm of Andalusian and Omani poetry, focusing on the works of Ibn Khafaja and Sulaiman bin Muzaffar al-Nabhani. It aims to uncover the depth of these poets' engagement with color, examining how they utilize black and white to articulate their personal dilemmas and psychological intricacies that surface through their poetic expressions. This exploration is anchored in the belief that color serves as a versatile poetic motif, with the poetic rendition of color experiences offering a reconstitution of reality tailored by the poets' psychological states, thereby rendering color projection as a means of catharsis. Employing Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory as its foundational methodology, this research probes into the unconscious elements of poetic creation, viewing it as a vehicle for expressing the suppressed aspects of the human psyche. The selection of black and white, predominant in the poets' anthologies, facilitates an exploration of diverse psychological and existential experiences, necessitating an analysis of color within poetry through its contextual integration to unveil its expressive and functional potency.
ColorPsychological StateIbn KhafajaSulaiman al-NabhaniSigmund FreudThe Subconsciousness
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