The Image of the Other in the Customs and Traditions of the People of Oman in the Tourism Discourse: “A Journey from India to England by William Heid” as a Case Study
This study aimed to explore the representation of the Other in the customs and traditions of Oman's people within the touristic discourse, using "A Suspicious Journey from India to England – An Early 19th Century Gulf Portrait by William Heid" as a case study. Recognizing that the study of humanity is, in essence, the study of all human beings and considering that place holds cultural value emanating from the amalgamation of people's customs, traditions, and ways of thinking—known as the site's stratigraphy, which distinguishes one personality from another—the research sought to highlight the image of the Other in the customs and traditions of Oman as portrayed by Heid. It questioned whether these portrayals could serve as a tourist attraction for the Arabian Gulf region, particularly Muscat, and how Heid managed to employ the Omani people's customs, traditions, and behaviors as a tourist attraction for the Arabian Gulf. Given that customs and traditions represent an intriguing element for discovering the Other, the discourse in some of its forms is a principal component of linguistic communication in tourism. Through strategic use, it transforms the narrative element into a tool for expressing the aesthetics of the visited city, portraying the behaviors of its inhabitants and its various dimensions.
The study adopted a descriptive analytical approach, where the researcher examined the report and focused on the key customs and traditions highlighted by Heid in his discourse; these serve either as sources of tourist attraction or repulsion. The study concluded that Heid relied on depicting the landmarks he observed, contributing to correcting the receiver's image and enhancing the cultural aspect.
The Other's ImageCustoms and TraditionsTouristic DiscourseSultanate of Oman
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