Mohammed Al shizawi Azhar Al Ghafri Zahir Al-Ghusaini


The current study examines the linguistic mistakes of PhD holders on social media platforms, using Twitter as a model, because they are the elite of the intellectual community. They occupy a distinguished position because they hold a high scientific qualification, and they are considered as a role model for many followers who want to take from their knowledge. Based on the analytical inductive method, the study focuses on a group of PhD holders who are expected to adhere to the linguistic rules. The study depended on gathering data and information for a random sample of 55 tweets from PhD holders with personal Twitter accounts carrying their names, of various Arab nationalities. The study then tried to analyze the language mistakes contained there. The data was structured graphically and statistically to show the percentages collected from the study sample analysis. The study discovered the following: spelling mistakes reaching 73% in the study sample. Grammatical and morphological mistakes were found in the basic rules of the Arabic language, accounting for 27%. The study recommended the importance of media awareness of the importance of the Arabic language in contemporary reality, and the implementation of workshops and seminars through which applied ideas can be presented, and the exchange of opinions and scientific dialogues for the proper linguistic employment of the Arabic language on Social Media Platforms.


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Linguistic mistakes
PhD holders
Applied Linguistics
Language and information network
Social media

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How to Cite
Al shizawi , Mohammed, Azhar Al Ghafri, and Zahir Al-Ghusaini. 2024. “Linguistic Mistakes of PhD Holders on Social Media Platforms: Twitter As a Model–An Analytical Inductive Study”. ANSAQ Journal 7 (2).