The Cultural Patterns of the Man in Qatari Folk Tales: "The Folk Tales in Qatar by Mohammad AL-Duwaik as an example"
Folk literature is the incubator of peoples’ memory and heritage because it is linked to man and society in its development, in which man finds that innate breathing space that is not bounded by borders, conditions, or coercive laws. In this research project, we plan to study folk tales in Qatar by using cultural criticism as an approach and trying to recognize and contemplate the aspects of the invisible systems contained in these ancient tales on the assumption that Qatari folk tales include those cultural systems in their fold. Thus we sorted the folk tales finding the cultural systems of the male in those tales. Therefore we got the evil man's cultural patterns and the good man's cultural patterns. Finally, we conclude with results concerning the images of manhood in the imagination of the Qatari people.
Folk talesQatarCultural systemsThe cultural patterns of manhood
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