Baaziz Termina


This article is aimed at introducing the investigatory Tools of Simulation Semantics, a theoretical framework falling within embodied cognition’ paradigm. This framework, which is premised on embodied simulation, accounts for how meaning is conceptually and perceptually constructed in the user’s mind. It has emerged as a superseding reaction to the amodal abstract theories of language and meaning, which fall short of accounting for the crucial role played by perceptual modalities, bodily sates, and situational actions in language processing. It takes as a starting point the assumption that the conceptual content of simulation is constrained by physical and linguistic contexts and situational variables, and simulation, in turn, constrains language understanding and production. Stipulating the importance of embodiment, this novel framework provides new insights procedural to understanding the cognitive dimensions of meaning, which is taken to be a result of instantaneous distributed neural processing that retrieves and controls perceptual and bodily states, using the mentally available conceptual frames, knowledge backgrounds and cognitive primitives such as schematization and combinatorial recursion. It places heavy importance on the role of situational simulation in the conceptual system in terms of specifying the semantic and conceptual structures and the schematic contribution of linguistic unites in such a specification given that words, phrases, and contextual cues together orient situational simulation.


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Perceptual states

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How to Cite
Termina, Baaziz. 2023. “Language and Meaning: The Perspective of Embodied Simulation Theory”. ANSAQ Journal 6 (2).