Ameena Salem Aldayhani


This study looks to explore the physical movements and their connotative declarations that Naguib Mahfouz used in his narrative texts, especially Al-Sukkariyya, which distinguishes the writer from the other writers. The research collects and classifies the physical movements and their connotative declarations in this novel according to specific categories and rules. It shows the multiplicity of this remarkable phenomena extracted from such expressive type, and how to adopt the grammatical methods expressed by these connotations. The study follows the inductive analytical approach by comparing the different narrative texts of the writer and other novelists, as well as among his novels in general and Al-Sukkariyya in particular.

The research aims to emphasize the close relationship between pronunciation and movement in disclosing the novel’s content, drawing the general features of its characters, and the multiplicity of remarkable phenomena extracted from physical movements and their connotations, and from the grammatical methods expressed. This confirms the writer's artistic ability to portray scenes dynamically, as if they were on a theater stage.

The scientific value of this study appears in shedding light on a linguistic phenomenon in which the writer was unique, as he realized the connotative role of physical movement. This reflects the writer’s awareness of its contribution to building the novel, and perhaps the reason for which is that he is an experienced writer in the arts of dialogue and script, and a Nobel Prize winner.

In the narrative texts mentioned above, there is something that serves the scientific movement and enriches the research field, which is almost ignored by some of the linguistic phenomena associated with speech. Thus, this study recommends to take interest in the applied aspects in studying and analyzing them according to the linguistic data that have become prescribed in linguistic lessons.


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Physical Movement
Connotative Declaration

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How to Cite
Aldayhani, Ameena Salem. 2021. “Associating Connotative Declarations With Physical Movement in the Narrative Text of Naguib Mahfouz «Al-Sukkariyya» As a Model”. ANSAQ Journal 5 (1).