Mohamed Aneflouss Abdelmajid Hilal


Covid-19 presents two major problems. The first problem is the economic transformations and crises and its effects on all natural and human aspects, including economic ones, which caused countries to face crises of varying nature and severity. Even the most powerful economies in the world could not survive those crises. The second problem is the varying degrees in the speed and nature of the measures taken with regard to the practice of domestic quarantine and the health policies undertaken to face of this exceptional situation such as: closing borders and public places, prohibition of grouping, shutting down schools and universities, imposing the wearing of masks.

Through this study, we have tried to contribute, even partly, in the research process in a field that is still very fertile, especially since this is yet a current issue and a solution to this health crisis has not been found, which renders our study the beginning of many others to follow. The results of this work describe the epidemiological profile of covid-19 in Morocco and in the world from data which are updated regularly. A map of cumulative cases in order to characterize the speed of spread of the virus during the study period was established.

We should respond to two hypotheses: First, there has been an increase in the numbers of confirmed infected cases as a result of the process of mixing between the population in light of the failure and delay of some countries in the application of quarantine, and the difficulty of applying the discipline to the health emergency, which indicates the difficulty of counting cases and containing this pandemic as soon as possible. Second, which the emergence of Coronavirus resulted in the awakening of a sense of citizenship. It has also stimulated solidarity in a number of countries, and highlighted the importance of providing medical structures on the level of risks and challenges, and also the vitality of investment in scientific research.


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Epidemic geography
Health factors
Emerging diseases
Domestic quarantine
Crisis management
The world

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How to Cite
Aneflouss, Mohamed, and Abdelmajid Hilal. 2021. “Morocco and the ‘Covid-19’ Pandemic: A Geographical Approach to the Epidemic Between Global and Local Views”. ANSAQ Journal 4 (1-2).