Aesthetic Experience and Place Configurations in the Poetry of Zakia Malollah
This study deals with the aesthetic experience in the poetry of Zakia Malollah, through its focus on place formation as a means for articulating an aesthetic experience. Place is created as a metaphor, a symbol, or an objective reckoning of a condition, in addition to its being a spatial formation.
Place as a spatial medium of expression has been examined through several aesthetic experiences, covering aspects of life, the universe, and society, including the experience of the place itself, the search for self, love, the social status of women, and the love of God.
Place in the aesthetic experience stands out in Zakia Malollah’s work, and it is technically well-employed. Research avers that place is related to the deep aesthetic experience of the poet, which in turn has resulted in its artistic appearance in a variety of aesthetic formations.
Zakia MalollahQatari poetryAesthetic experienceSpatial formation
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