Hakem Amari


Despite the great variation in the circumstances that reveal both the Arab and Western approaches and the special historical and cultural contexts that characterize each one of them, the comparison is no longer between Sibawayh’s curriculum or other ancient Arabic linguists in the study of language. Paradoxically because of the comparison between languages ​​belonging to different linguistic families, there is a great deal of similarity in the attitudes, views and theories related to linguistic research that may reveal to the contemplator and the discoverer that they are from one source. Evidence of this phenomenon has been acknowledged by senior researchers like Carter.


   The area of ​​study is not the identification of the progress and the precedence of Sibawayh, but the discovery of the common features of what has been written in the book for centuries, and the modern Western trends such as sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. In addition to the philosophy, psychology and deliberation (pragmatic approach), which is a strong relationship with the reporting and its effective role in the detection of the purposes of the speakers, it is surprising that the researcher finds all that corresponds to these trends and Western theories in the book of  Sibawayh. This is illustrated by the comparison between Sibawayh and the most prominent Western linguists, namely, de Saussure and Malinowski, Blumvid and Kvtkinstaan, Habermas, Austin, and others. In this research, I intend to address the Arabic linguistics through Sibawayh’s book from the perspective of modern western linguistics.


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How to Cite
Amari, Hakem. 2019. “Arabic Linguistics in the Book of Sibawayh in the Light of Modern Western Linguistics”. ANSAQ Journal 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/Ansaq.2019.0089.