Rasheed Inaya


This paper aims to introduce para-texts in literature and apply their techniques on the English novel titled, "The Sense of an Ending" by British novelist Julian Barnes. The novel won the poker prize and the David Cohen prize in 2011.

Through this paper, we will recognize the importance of para-texts and study them as the doors that lead us to the core of the text, and give us a general meaning or idea about the book before reading it.

The concept of para-texts is modern and has developed after many researches, semiotics and psychological studies of images, colors and writings. Thus feeding the para-texts and their importance in reading texts and possessing their keys invites the reader to break into the text.


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Julian Barnes
The Sense of an Ending

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How to Cite
Inaya, Rasheed. 2019. “Para-Texts in Julian Barnes’ Novel “The Sense of an ending“”. ANSAQ Journal 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/Ansaq.2019.0086.