Rhetoric of the old Arab prose text :The principles and components
This study suggests an approach to old Arab texts in prose based on the Aristotle basic rhetoric theory. The rhetoric text came from main communication parts (speaker, discourse and Addressee). The speaker is trying to structure his own image in the discourse in order to become acceptable from the receiver (Ethos). In a manner raises the whims of addressee to influence him (Pathos) in addition to shape the discourse in order to be acceptable from the mind using Argumentation tools (Logos). Despite this theoretical frame approach, it is just trying to adapt rhetoric trends to the approach that find itself breaking the texts and discourses and forced to obtain a more open mind against unrhetorical fields. Moving the rhetoric Aristotle from the theory to practice the approach for the interpretation, the discourses cause some problems, and this is required to apply concepts and tools that come from text theory such as a poetic, linguistics, deliberative, ideological criticism, discourse analysis, and so on.
rhetorictextprosediscourseInterpretationAristotle style
- القرآن الكريم
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