Abdelsalam Hamed


alone - however – and it is almost absent, except from the skillful side and its impact on the question of language teaching and acquisition, and the cognitive aspect of phonology as the last episode in the transmission of speech from the speaker to the listener. The limits of the study of this subject - therefore and beyond - can be conceptualized in specific aspects, the most important of which are: Listening from the perspective of writing, both theoretically and knowledgably, from the expanded voice perspective, and from the aspects of communication linguistics, pronunciation, text and discourse. The narrowness here is limited to the first two sides only. On the first side, we refer to the different images of the language, whether audiovisual or visual, to the de Susser,s opinion of spoken and written language, and the resonance and impact of many linguists, especially Jacques Derrida and Roland Barthes. On the other side, we refer to the cognitive aspect of Listening, and move on to concepts and other aspects, the most important of which is to rely on the presentation of the case in a voice through the contributions of the phonetics scientist Abercrombie, especially the concept of «the aural medium» by its side: the properties of the indexical features and aesthetic properties related to phenomena leading to the so-called supersegmental features that are the broader framework of this issue in phonology in general. Keywords: Listening – theory of writing – phonetics – aural medium - indexical features – aesthetic properties


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theory of writing
aural medium
indexical features
aesthetic properties

How to Cite
Hamed, Abdelsalam. 2017. “Listening from the Perspective of Writing and the Spoken Linguistics”. ANSAQ Journal 1 (2). https://doi.org/10.29117/Ansaq.2017.0046.