Silence in dialogue: Tayeb Saleh’ s Season of Migration to the North.
The study of silence in the Taieb Saleh‘s Season of migration the north aims at unveiling another side of the novel that has long failed to fall under scrutiny inside and outside language. We tried in the theoretical outset to highlight its connection with verbal communication, to show it status in linguistics, and to demarcate its position in literature. Silence has huge expressive potentials for it accommodates what we don’t know, what we fail to perceive and what we are unable to express. In fact, silence voices what our verbal language tries to destroy and unveils what speech tries to obscure. At the practical level, we examined the textual distribution of silence at the level of the narrative structure of the novel.We highlighted its patterns and the explicit indices in speech interactions. We came to the conclusion that silence has a huge role in elucidating general discourse ,notably recital one ;it looks as though it were a process of conscious and unconscious interlocution.It is considered as a form of verbal deviation in the dialogues of the novel.Accordingly, it is its eloquent silence that’s open to explanation and interpretation.It has connotations , meanings and pragmatic , expressive and aesthetic functions according to the aims of the interlocutors and their intentions.
SilencedialoguenovelTayeb SalehSeason of Migration to the Northverbal deviationṢāliḥ, al-Ṭayyib. Mawsim al-hijrah ilá al-shamāl -- Criticism and interpretation.Ṣāliḥ, al-Ṭayyib -- Criticism and interpretation.Arabic fiction