Najm A. Najm Nafez Nimer Ali


There is much discussion about sustainability and its dimensions at the macro level (sustainable development) and at the micro level as important additional dimensions, including human sustainability. In this context, the contribution of this study comes in addressing the research gap in expanding the dimensions of sustainability to include a fourth dimension, represented by the human dimension with its four components: effective learning, sustainable innovation, functional sustainability, and sustainable teamwork. Human sustainability still needs to be rooted as a concept, representative components, and their effect on the two main determinants of the company’s competitiveness. Accordingly, this study aimed to determine the effect of human sustainability components (effective learning, sustainable innovation, functional sustainability and sustainable teamwork) on the competitiveness of industrial companies in its two determinants: competitive ability and competitive performance. The current study also sought to investigate the effect of employee participation on the relationship between human sustainability and company competitiveness.


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human sustainability
effective learning
sustainable innovation
functional sustainability and sustainable teamwork

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• Najm A. Najm is a Professor of Production and Operation Management at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. He received his PhD and MA in Production and Operation Management from the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania. His research focuses on production and operation management, the application of IT and IS in business and management, quality assurance, industrial organisations management, and behavioral approach to management. He has published in various journals, books and conference proceedings.
• Nafez Nimer Ali is An Associate Professor, Management of Marketing at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. He received his PhD in Marketing from Rajasthan University, India. His research focuses on marketing management, customer behavior, quality assurance, customer service, and global marketing. He has published in various journals, and conference proceedings.
How to Cite
A. Najm, Najm, and Nafez Nimer Ali. 2024. “Human Sustainability and the Competitiveness of Jordanian Industrial Companies: The Mediating Effect of Employee Participation”. Studies in Business and Economics 27 (2).