Jassim Aladwani


Understanding the concept of time scales is crucial when modeling economic and financial decisions. Within the time-frequency domain, this study delves into the relationship between fluctuations in oil prices and exchange rates across major oil-importing and exporting countries. The investigation employs various cross-wavelet techniques within the continuous wavelet transform framework, with a particular focus on wavelet coherence and phase-difference over the period 2000 to 2020. The results underscore a notable diversity in the connection between the oscillations of oil prices and exchange rates across diverse countries. This relationship is subject to temporal variations and is contingent upon the specific time horizon under consideration. In particular, our analysis reveals strong co-movements between oil prices and exchange rates across various time intervals and frequencies. Importing oil countries like New Zealand, Singapore, Brazil, and Taiwan exhibit particularly pronounced co-movements. Similarly, exporting oil countries such as Kuwait, Mexico, Russia, and Canada also display strong associations between oil prices and exchange rates. These correlations are intricately tied to key macroeconomic events, further highlighting the complex interplay between oil prices and exchange rate movements in different global regions. While a robust connection is evident in numerous countries, the strength of the relationship appears significantly weaker in several others. This variance underscores the nuanced nature of the association between the fluctuations in oil prices and exchange rates across the global landscape.


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Continuous wavelet approach
Wavelet coherency approach
business cycle
oil prices
exchange rates
and wavelet power spectra

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• Jassim Aladwani is a distinguished academic in economics and finance, holding a PhD from RMIT University. For the past three years, he has been an Assistant Professor at Box Hill College in Kuwait, where he has taught courses in macroeconomics, microeconomics, monetary policy, and applied econometrics. Passionate about advancing knowledge, Dr. Aladwani focuses on research related to consumer behavior, market trends, and fiscal policy. His impressive publication record includes studies on money supply impacts, consumer preferences for organic products, and transportation efficiency in developing economies. Committed to bridging economic theory and policy, Dr. Aladwani aims to address real-world challenges, particularly in emerging markets.
How to Cite
Aladwani, Jassim. 2024. “Cyclinaclity Effects of Exchange Rates and Oil Prices”. Studies in Business and Economics 27 (2). https://doi.org/10.29117/sbe.2024.0153.