Authorship criteria
CIC authors confirm that all listed authors in the manuscript are mentioned and no other name have been omitted or added, and that all authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and the listed order of authors.
Order and eligibility of authorship
The authors themselves decide on the order in which their names are listed in the article, taking into consideration the exerted efforts and contribution in the paper. Early communication and written agreement on this matter is key in maintaining a healthy and transparent research environment among authors.
Authors acknowledge that in case the work is supported financially through a fund or other means or is derived from another project or paper, this will be acknowledged appropriately in the submitted manuscript.
Conflict of interests
Authors confirm that there are no conflicts of interest or factors affecting the objectivity of results that are associated with the submitted work, and confirm that they have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property and ensured all ethical approvals associated with this work.
Research integrity
Authors ensure that they have written and submitted non-plagiarized and original work only. CIC editors also checked all submissions on iThenticate program and dealt with any suspicious similarities and percentages.
Editorial review
Step 1: Abstract review
All submissions went through abstract initial review and acceptance by the CIC Editorial Committee.
Step 2: Manuscript review
Full papers went through another round of review by one of the Editorial Committee members and one external reviewer, anonymously on the EasyChair platform.
Based on the review feedback, authors submitted a revised version of their contribution, indicating the modifications made by a highlighted or track-changed Word document of their research paper.
The CIC Editorial Committee assessed whether further changes are required or whether the paper can be accepted or rejected. The authors were notified accordingly and papers were sent in batches to QU Press for publishing.
QU Press review
All accepted papers were submitted to QU Press’s team who verified the implementation of the editorial stages, processes and standards.
Production and publishing stages
The verified and accepted papers were submitted to QU Press’s production team for language review, copyediting, and typesetting.