Peer Review Process

Abstracts initial filtering 

All submitted abstracts were first reviewed and filtered by the conference’s Editorial Committee. Authors whose abstracts are initially accepted were notified accordingly by December 01, 2022. Authors of accepted abstracts were required to submit a full paper by December 22, 2022.

Full paper peer-review stage

The submitted papers were initially reviewed by the CIC conference Editorial Committee that recommended external peer reviewers from the scientific/advisory committee for each article based on objective selection and peer review criteria.

Authors received the peer-review feedback during the month of January 2023 to perform the required changes within the provided timeline (two weeks) and submit a revised paper. The revised papers were further reviewed for compliance with the peer-reviewers requirements. Some papers went through another round of peer-review before final approval for publication and presentation during the conference.

Review Recommendation

Reviewers provided one of the following recommendations to the editor:

  1. Accept submission:

    The study and conclusions are sound and the manuscript is written clearly enough that it may be accepted without modifications.

  2. Accept with minor revision:

    The study requires some minor modifications or re-writing which could be addressed by the authors in a short timeframe to be acceptable for publication.

  3. Substantial Revision:

    The study needs significant re-writing, further research, and improvement to be considered for publication. The review highlights gaps or the need for reorganization of the manuscript. The reviewer feels that the recommended modifications require another round of reviews.

  4. Decline:

    The study does not provide any reliable or valid information that is of limited interest to the field or requires extensive additional research or thorough re-writing before being suitable for publication.

Final Acceptance

The CIC Editorial Committee reserves the right to evaluate the submitted papers' quality, and decide on acceptance or decline, in light of the peer review recommendations.