Maha Hoteit Rania Mansour Hala Mohsen Other Authors and the regional food literacy group


Food literacy is achieving attention worldwide and gaining traction in Arab countries. Strengthening food and nutrition literacy among Arab teenagers are important promising and empowering tools, which can protect them from malnutrition. This study aims to evaluate the nutrition literacy status of adolescents along with that of their parents in 10 Arab countries. This cross-sectional study involving a convenient sample of 5401 adolescent-parent dyads was launched between 29 April and 6 June 2022 in 10 Arab nations. The Adolescent Nutrition Literacy Scale (ANLS) and the Short Food Literacy Questionnaire (SFLQ) were used to meet the study aims. More than one-quarter (28%) of adolescents had poor nutrition literacy, with 60% of their parents being food illiterate. The top three countries with nutritionally less literate adolescents were Qatar (44%), Lebanon (37.4%), and Saudi Arabia (34.9%). Adolescents’ age, gender, education level, primary caregivers, employment status, and the inclusion of nutrition education in the schools’ curriculum predicted the nutrition literacy levels of Arab adolescents. Besides, parental weight status, health status, parent’s food literacy level, and the number of children per household were significant determinants too. Nutrition literacy inadequacy among Arab adolescents is a prioritized challenge to be tackled to achieve the sustainable developmental goals (SDGs) mainly SDG2 and SDG4.



Arab countries
Nutrition literacy
Food literacy

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How to Cite
Hoteit, M. ., Mansour, R., Mohsen, H. ., & and the regional food literacy group, O. A. (2024). Are We Closer to Regional Consensus on Promoting Food Literacy and Integrating Nutrition Education in Arabic Schools?. Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Paper Series, 1(1).
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