Nadine EL Kahil


The Arab world faced many development challenges (at the educational, economic, and educational levels...), especially after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, which imposed the need for digital transformation based on managing digital knowledge and achieving sustainable development.

Nowadays, the concept of "knowledge economy" concept has become a necessity; given that global competitiveness is tautly related to the government’s ability to support knowledge generation and application to foster economic growth.

Considering the disparity between the Arab countries in terms of technological progress, and the use of modern technologies, besides the absence of a joint Arab digital cooperative agenda, in addition to the growing digital divide that occurs for several reasons (political, financial, social, technical, scientific...); what are the chances of achieving the sustainable development goals 2030?

Through his study, we attempted to shed light on the need to invest in digital transformation and digital knowledge management to achieve sustainable development. We study the current situation in the Arab region, and the challenges it faces, then we highlight the expected future scenarios if the Arab States continue to proceed in the same. Ultimately we present some possible solutions that could contribute create regional cooperation between the Arab countries, and bridging, or at least reducing the digital divide, by establishing an Arab agenda for digital development by the year 2040.



Digital knowledge
Technological development
Sustainable development
Digital transformation in Arab countries
Digital divide

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How to Cite
EL Kahil, N. . (2024). Digital Knowledge Management in the Arab Region (Challenges and Solutions). Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Paper Series, 1(1).
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